
I've made a goal to daily post either a thought, quote, something learned, favorite books, goals, what I'm grateful for, etc. with the goal in mind of achieving well-being, experiencing joy, and to feel whole. My definition of being "whole" is to refine and develop the mind, body, and spirit so my daily posts will be addressing these different components of our lives. Hopefully you'll find something helpful, interesting, or of some worth to you. Here goes nothing! :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Making of Meaning

As I am wrapping up some of my thoughts on Flow, I wanted to share some pictures of a recent "flow" experience I had. Sorry about the poor picture quality; they were taken with a cheap grocery store waterproof camera :)

Snorkeling in Kauai was one of the first activities I recognized as being a "flow" experience for me, since reading Flow. It was amazing to me how calm and peaceful all the fish were. They didn't mind us being here at all. I think that time flew by while snorkeling, because I was so focused and determined to find the turtles everyone had been talking about (I admit, I do have a strange obsession with turtles)! Once I found the turtles, I stalked them for quite a while... slowly swimming quietly above them. I felt like a little kid again. I loved it!

Now, on to the quotes of the day to think about...

"When an important goal is pursued with resolution, and all one's varied activities fit together into a unified flow experience, the result is that harmony is brought to consciousness. Someone who knows his desires and works with purpose to achieve them is a person whose feelings, thoughts, and actions are congruent with one another, and is therefore a person who has achieved inner harmony...

Purpose, resolution, and harmony unify life and give it meaning by transforming it into a seamless flow experience. Whoever achieves this state will never really lack anything else. A person whose consciousness is so ordered need not fear unexpected events, or even death. Every living moment will make sense, and most of it will be enjoyable."

Are you attaining purpose, resolution, and harmony to make meaning in your life? For more insight on this topic, I'd highly suggest reading Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi :)

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