
I've made a goal to daily post either a thought, quote, something learned, favorite books, goals, what I'm grateful for, etc. with the goal in mind of achieving well-being, experiencing joy, and to feel whole. My definition of being "whole" is to refine and develop the mind, body, and spirit so my daily posts will be addressing these different components of our lives. Hopefully you'll find something helpful, interesting, or of some worth to you. Here goes nothing! :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Inspiration from a Young Man's Life

I'm switching gears from what I had originally decided to post about today, because of the news I  received late last night, that my 15 year old brother's dear friend passed away on Thursday. I'd like to dedicate this post to him and his precious life.

This young man has been battling leukemia since a very young age. I immediately shed quite a few tears after receiving the news of his passing. I was a little bit taken back by my reaction, mainly because I have only met this young man once or twice. Death of young people has always been especially hard for me to handle but I felt like I was crying a lot for someone I didn't really know. He was a dear friend to my brother, who is a cancer survivor.

As I have been reflecting on my reaction to the news, it has really made me think about the legacy I will leave behind when my time is up in this life.

Since moving out of the house, I would periodically hear updates on this young man's health status while visiting my parents. Regardless of whether or not the health update was that he was in remission or that the cancer was back, everything I ever heard about him was positive. He would often visit my brother in the hospital during his Chemotherapy treatments and even come visit from his own hospital room when he was going through cancer treatments at the same time. I heard stories of him making phone calls and working on his scouting projects from his hospital bed.

What an amazing attitude he chose to have, regardless of the difficult challenges he faced for many, many years. The last time I saw him, he had stopped by my parent's house to deliver a Christmas gift to my brother. He was an inspiring example of the Savior. Regardless of his suffering and energy levels, he took the time to serve, leaving a legacy of thoughtfulness, love, and kindness.

I want to live a life, so that no matter when my time here ends, I will leave a positive legacy behind, regardless of how well someone knew me or not. Caleb, thank you for your life that has inspired the lives of those you didn't even know. You are loved and missed. I know your Father in Heaven is pleased with what you did with the short, precious years you were given here.

For those reading, what type of legacy you are creating for others to remember you by?

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